Tuesday, 19 February 2013

NIN Recruitment 2013 - Scientist Vacancies | Various Vacancies Details

NIN Recruitment 2013 - Scientist Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Scientist ‘C’ (Nutritionist): 01 post
2. Scientist ‘D’ (Internal Medicine / Pharmacology): 01 post
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 03-04-2013.
No of vacancies:02
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be below 40 years for Scientist ‘C’ post, age limit should be below 45 years for Scientist ‘D’ post. Age relaxation is applicable as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidate must possess first class Master’s degree in Food Science / Nutrition or equivalent degree from a recognized university or second class Master degree with Ph.D degree in relevant subject form recognized university for Scientist ‘C’ post, MBBS degree recognized by MCI and eight years R&D experience in the relevant area in recognized institute after obtaining essential qualifications for Scientist ‘D’ post.
Exam or Application fee:Candidates has to pay the crossed Indian postal order (IPO) for Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) payable to the Director, National Institute of Nutrition, Jamai – Osmania,Hyderabad. SC / ST and physically handicapped candidates (PH) are exempted from the application fee payable in form of IPO. IPO’s are payable by all other candidates including ICMR employees.
Selection Mode: Candidate will be selected based on the performance in interview/ personal discussion.
How to apply: Eligible candidates should down load the application form from the website www.icmr.nic.in and fill in all respects and signed on it and send along with the copies of proof   of date of birth, educational qualification, experience and other certificates attested by the gazetted officer with IPO to National Institute of Nutrition, Tarnaka, Jamai-Osmania, Hyderabad-500007 on or before 03-04-2013.

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