Monday, 4 February 2013

DSMRU Recruitment 2013 -Faculty Various Vacancies Details

DSMRU Recruitment 2013 - Faculty Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Professor: 07 posts
2. Reader: 10 posts
3. Professor (Music Department): 01 post
4. Reader (Music Department): 02 posts
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 18-02-2013.
No of vacancies: 20
Exam or Application fee:- Unreserved/OBC Candidates must pay Rs.300/- & SC/ST candidates must pay Rs.150/- as application fee in the form of Demand Draft drawn in the favor of Finance Officer, Dr. Sakuntala Mishra Rehabilitation University, Lucknow from any Nationalized Banks. Candidates must write their name and Father’s/spouse name at the back side of the demand draft. No fee for PWD candidates.
Edu Qualifi:Candidates must possess PG degree and engaged in research with ten years of experience in publication works/ Research works for Professor post, Doctorial Degree and engaged in Publication works for Reader posts, An eminent scholar with a doctoral degree actively and engaged in research with ten years of experience in teaching in University/College and/or research at the University/ National level  institutions including experience of guiding research at doctoral  level with outstanding performing achievements in the field of specialization for Professor in Music Department, Good academic record with doctoral degree, with performing ability of high professional standard for post of Reader in Music Department.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of interview.
How to apply: Candidates have to apply in a prescribed format which can be downloaded from the site, affix photograph, attach 2 self addressed cover by affixing Rs.25/- stamps, enclose all copies of necessary documentary proofs in support of age, qualification, caste and reservations certificates and super scribe the cover as Name of the post applied for:___, Advt. No.___,  to address and from address and send it to Chief Secretary, UP Handicapped Welfare Dr. Shakuntala Mishra University, Mohan Road, Lucknow, Pincode- 226017 on or before 18-02-2013.

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