Sunday, 3 February 2013

IVRI Recruitment 2013 -Various Vacancies | Various Vacancies Details

 IVRI Recruitment 2013 – Various Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
I. Laboratory Technician Group (Category-I):
1. T-1 (Laboratory Technician): 05 posts
II. Workshop Staff (including Engineering Staff) Group (Category-I):
2. T-1 (Mill Wright): 01 post
3. T-1 (Draftsman): 01 post
III. Field / Farm Technicians Group (Category-I):
4. T-1 (Livestock Asstt.): 01 post
IV. Press & Editorial Group (Category-II):
5. T-3 (Hindi Translator): 01 post
6. Steno Grade-III: 03 post
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 19-02-2013.
No of vacancies: 12
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be between 18 to 30 years as on 19-02-2013.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess Matriculate with at least one year certificate in concerned specialty from a recognized Institution for Sr. No. 1, 2, 3, 4 posts, Bachelor’s Degree in the concerned language or equivalent qualification from recognized University for Sr. No. 5 posts, 12th class pass or equivalent from a recognized Board or University for Sr. No. 6 posts.
Exam or Application fee: Candidates are required to pay Rs.200/- in the shape of Bank Draft drawn in favor of “ICAR, UNIT-IVRI” payable at Izatnagar. The name of the candidate, father’s name and the post applied for should be mentioned on the backside of the Bank Draft. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/Female candidate & PH are not required to pay any fee.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of written test/practical test/interview.
How to apply:Candidates have to apply in prescribed format as shown in the notification or can be downloaded from the website Fill the application, affix photograph, attach copies of age, caste, educational and technical qualification certificates, Bank Draft and send them by Super scribing the application as “Application for the post of ____________” to the Asstt. Adm. Officer (MRDPC), Indian Veterinary Research Institute (ICAR), Izatnagar-243 122 (UP) on or before 19-02-2013.

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