Monday, 25 February 2013

Navasari Agricultural University Recruitment 2013 - 44 Faculty Vacancies | Various Vacancies Details

Navasari Agricultural University Recruitment 2013 - 44 Faculty Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 44, 1. Principal: 01 post
2. Professor: 04 posts
3. Associate Professor: 10 posts
4. Assistant Professor: 29 posts
No of vacancies: 44
Age Relaxation:-Candidates age limit should not exceed 55 years for Principal and Professor Post, upper age limit should be 45 years for Associate Professor Post. Candidate’s upper age limit should not exceed 35 years for Assistant Professor Post as on 15-03-2013. Age relaxation will be applicable as per the rules. Refer the notification for position wise and discipline wise age limits.
Edu Qualifi:Candidates should possess a second class Bachelor’s degree in the concerned faculty and Master’s degree in the concerned faculty with at least 55% of marks or its equivalent grade and Ph.D in subjects related to the concerned field  and second class four years B.Tech/ B.E degree in Food Process Technology and Engineering/ Agricultural Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/ Dairy Engineering/ Dairy Technology etc and M.Tech/ M.E degree with 55% or 6.5 OGPA in 10 points scale with specialization in Agri. Process & Food Engineering/ Food Processing Engg/ Post Harvest Engineering/ Post Harvest Technology etc. Refer the notification for post wise and discipline wise qualification details.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be called for interview on the basis of merit/ marks obtained in bio data of the candidate.
How to apply:Eligible candidates may send their applications according to the prescribed format with bio data and attested copies of certificates of educational qualifications and experience. Separate application should have to make for each post/ discipline and send to the Registrar,NavasariAgriculturalUniversity, Navasari-396450,GujaratState on or before 15-03-2013.

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