Sunday, 14 April 2013

UPSC Advt No 5/2013 - Apply Online for Various Vacancies Details

UPSC Advt No 5/2013 - Apply Online for Various Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Assistant Director (Cost): 10 Posts
2. Assistant Director (Physics): 02 Posts
3. Junior Staff Officer: 05 Posts
4. Superintending Mining Geologist: 01 Posts
5. Associate Town and Country Planner: 01 Posts
No of vacancies: 19
Age Relaxation:-Upper age limit of candidate is 35 years for S.No 1 & 3 Posts; 40 years for S.No 2 Post; 50 years for S.No 4 Post; 45 years for S.No 5 Post as on 02-05-2013. Relaxation is applicable as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess a qualification recognized for enrolment in the Register of Members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or of the Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India or equivalent for S.No 1 Post; Master’s Degree in Physics/ Biophysics/ Forensic Sc with Physics as one of the subjects at Bachelor of Sc level or equivalent for S.No 2 Post; Master’s Degree/ M.Tech/ BE/ B.Tech  in Computer Applications/ Computer Sc/ IT/ Computer Technology for S.No 3 Post; Master’s Degree in Geology or Applied Geology for S.No 4 Post; PG in Town or City or Urban or Housing or Country or Rural or Infrastructure or Regional or Transport or Environmental Planning for S.No 5 Post from a recognized University or Institute or equivalent with relevant experience.

Exam or Application fee:  Candidates need to pay the fee of Rs.25/- either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/ master credit/ debit card. SC/ ST/ PH/ Women Candidates of any community are exempted from the fee.
Selection Mode:Candidates will be selected based on recruitment test/ interview.
How to apply: Interested candidates must apply online through the website “” till 02-05-2013 by 23.59 Hrs. After submitting the Online Recruitment Application, the candidates are required to take out a print out of the finally submitted Online Recruitment Application. Candidates need to submit the printout of the online application along with all the relevant original documents/ certificates along with self attested copies of certificates at the time of interview.
1. Log on to the website
2. Click on the link “Online Recruitment Application (ORA) for Various Recruitment Posts”.
3. Select the appropriate Post and click on “Apply Online”.
4. Fill all the mandatory fields and click on ‘Submit’ button.
5. After submission of ORA, candidates are required to take print out of ORA for future use.

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