Sunday, 28 April 2013

BIS Recruitment 2013 – Apply online for 198 LDC & Technical Asst Posts

BIS Recruitment 2013 – Apply online for 198 LDC & Technical Asst Posts has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 
1. Assistant: 17 posts
2. Junior Translator (Hindi): 02 posts
3. Lower Division Clerk: 46 posts
4. Junior Stenographer: 21 posts
5. Stenographer: 15 posts
6. Technical Asst (Lab) Chemical: 33 posts
7. Technical Asst (Lab) Mechanical: 35 posts
8. Technical Asst (Lab) Electrical: 22 posts
9. Technical Asst (Lab) Microbiology: 07 posts
No of vacancies: 198
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be between 18-30 years for the posts given at Sl. No. 1 & 5 and 18-27 years of age, for the posts given at Sl. No. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 & 9 as on 31 March 2013. Age Relaxations will be extended as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess Degree for Sr. No. 1 post, Master’s Degree in Hindi/English with English/Hindi as a subject at the degree level for Sr. No. 2 post, Graduate with One Year Diploma/Certificate Course in Computer, English typing speed of 30 wpm or Hindi typing speed of 25 wpm for Sr. No. 3 posts, Degree along with Shorthand test in English or Hindi comprising dictation test at 100 words per minute for seven minutes for Stenographer posts, Bachelor’s Degree in Science (with Chemistry as one of the main subject)/ Three years Diploma in Chemical/Mechanical/ Electrical/ Agricultural Engg for remaining posts.

Exam or Application fee: Candidates have to pay Rs.500 + Rs. 35 for Sr. No. 1, 2, 5 to 9 posts and for remaining posts candidates have to pay Rs.350 + Rs. 35 as application fee  through System Generated Challan at any branch of State Bank of India only. No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women Candidates and existing departmental candidates of BIS for all posts & Ex-servicemen only for the posts of Junior Stenographer and LDC.
Selection Mode: Selection will be based on the performance in skill test / interview.
How to apply:Candidates are required to apply On-line through BIS website in English only from 27-04-2013 to 17-05-2013. The on-line registration process involves two steps for successful registration of the application.
Instructions for Online Application:
1. First Candidates have to scan their photo and signature & Keep open your Valid Email Account.
2. Log on to the website From 27-04-2013 to 17-05-2013.
3. The on-line registration process involves two steps.
4. Click on “Recruitment Advt/Result”. After receiving user name and password candidates can fill up all the desired information in the on-line form.
5. On completion of Step-1, a message will be received a link for printing the bank challan. Take Print out and make the payment.
6. Candidates with fee exemption can enter directly to Step-2.
7. Candidates may check and confirm their payment status after minimum 48 hours of the deposit of the application fees.
8. Upload the photo & Signature.
9. After the registration is confirmed by the system after completion of Step-2, a system generated Email will be sent to candidate’s registered Email ID (also check Mail in spam box).
10. The Mail will contain a copy of information filled in by the candidate. The candidate should keep a copy of this application form for future reference. No send any copy to BIS.

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