Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Calcutta University Recruitment 2013 - Junior Research Fellow Posts | Various Vacancies Details

Amazon Development Centre India is hiring experienced candidates to work as Software Development Engineer at Hyderabad/Secunderabad. Graduates, Post Graduates, Doctorate candidates are eligible.
Company Name: Amazon Development Centre India Pvt Ltd
Experience: 1-6 years
Education: UG – Any Graduate-Computers, PG-Any PG Course-Computers, Doctorate-Any Doctorate-Doctorate Not Required
Location: Hyderabad/ Secunderabad.
Industry: IT-Software / Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Key skills: Software Design Engineer, Software Engineer, Software Development Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, Senior Software Developer, Member of technical staff, Computer scientist.
Job description
Candidate having 1+ years of experience building successful production software systems, experience developing software services and an understanding of design for scalability, performance and reliability. Candidate able to design and code right solutions starting with broadly defined problems, drive best practices and engineering excellence, development of code in object oriented languages like C++ and java and build large scale robust distributed systems, A solid grounding in Computer Science fundamentals (based on a BS or MS in CS or related field), Mastery of the tools of the trade, including a variety of modern programming languages (Java, JavaScript, C/C++, Python) and open-source technologies (Linux, Spring, Hibernate), to work in a fast paced, agile and in an ownership and results oriented culture.
Company Name: Amazon Development Centre India Pvt Ltd
Website: www. india.amazon.com

Amazon Development Centre India Careers 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

Amazon Development Centre India Careers 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Department of Physiology: 01 post
2. Department of Geology: 01 post
3. Department of Physiology (Toxicological Assessment): 01 post
4. Department of Zoology: 01 post
No of vacancies: 04
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess Graduate degree in any branch of Life Sciences with NET qualification for Dept of Zoology posts, M.Sc. in any branch of Life Sciences with NET JRF / (Lectureship) / Valid GATE score or M.Tech (Biotechnology) for Department of Physiology (Toxicological assessment) post, M.Sc. Geology/ M.Sc. Applied Geology for Department of Geology post & M.sc. in any branch of Life Sciences with valid NET/GATE/ M.Tech (Biotechnology), M.Pharm for Department of Physiology post.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in the interview.
How to apply:Candidates are requested to bring two sets of complete application furnishing biodata on plain paper with attested copies of testimonials and all originals at the time of interview on the dates mentioned below on 23-04-2013, 03 & 06-05-2013.
Venue: At Office of the Development and Planning Officer, 2nd Floor of Dwarbangha Building, (College Street Campus), University of Calcutta, 87/1 College Street, Kolkata 700073 for Sr. No. 1 & 3 posts, Dept. Of Geology, University of Calcutta, 35 Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata- 700019 for Sr. No. 2 post & Room of Head, Department of Zoology, CU, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata – 700019 for Sr. No. 4 post.
Walk in Dates:
For Dept of Physiology: 29-04-2013 at 1.00pm to 2.00pm
For Dept of Physiology (Toxicological assessment): 29-04-2013 at 12.00Noon to 01.00PM
For Dept of Geology: 06-05-2013 at 4.30pm
For Dept of Zoology: 03-05-2013 at 12.00 Noon

Monday, 29 April 2013

CIMAP Recruitment 2013 - Walk in for SRF, JRF, Project Asst Posts | Various Vacancies Details

CIMAP Recruitment 2013 - Walk in for SRF, JRF, Project Asst Posts | Various Vacancies Details
1. Project Assistant Level III
2. Project Assistant Level II
3. Project Assistant Level I
4. Research Associate (Project)
5. Senior Research Assistant (Project)
6. Junior Research Fellow (Project)
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age limit should not exceed 28 years for project Assistant & JRF post, 30, 32 years for SRF post and 35 years for Research Associate post. Age limit will be as on the date of interview. Age relaxation will be applicable as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates should possess first class M.Sc in Organic Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry/ Agriculture/ Chemistry Botany, B.Sc in Agriculture, M.SC/ M.Tech in Life Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Botany/ Zoology/ Genetics, Ph.D in Life Sciences/ Biochemistry. Refer the notification for Post wise educational qualification details.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected based on the performance in written test/interview.
How to apply: Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview along with bio data  on prescribed proforma and attested copies of mark sheets/ certificates and a recent passport size photograph, at the auditorium of the institute, Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Kukrail Picnic Spot Road, Lucknow-226015 on 30-041013 & on 01-05-2013.at 09:00 A M to 10:30 A M.
Date & time of Interview:
For Project Assistant Level I, II: 30-04-2013 at 09:00 A M to 10:30 A M
For Remaining all the Posts: 01-05-2013 at 09:00 A M to 10:30 AM.

NEHU Recruitment 2013 - Technical Officer, Technician Posts | Various Vacancies Details

NEHU Recruitment 2013 - Technical Officer, Technician Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 
1. Technical Officer: 01 Post
2. Technician: 02 Posts
No of vacancies: 03
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess B.E/ B.Tech/ Diploma/ ITI or equivalent in Instrumentation/ Electronics with relevant experience.

How to apply: Eligible and interested candidates can send applications on plain paper along with CV and all supporting documents either through email: hodbsss@gmail.com or chimanee@gmail.com or post to NEHU, Mawlai Umshing, Shillong-793022 on or before 10-05-2013.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

BIS Recruitment 2013 – Apply online for 198 LDC & Technical Asst Posts

BIS Recruitment 2013 – Apply online for 198 LDC & Technical Asst Posts has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 
1. Assistant: 17 posts
2. Junior Translator (Hindi): 02 posts
3. Lower Division Clerk: 46 posts
4. Junior Stenographer: 21 posts
5. Stenographer: 15 posts
6. Technical Asst (Lab) Chemical: 33 posts
7. Technical Asst (Lab) Mechanical: 35 posts
8. Technical Asst (Lab) Electrical: 22 posts
9. Technical Asst (Lab) Microbiology: 07 posts
No of vacancies: 198
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be between 18-30 years for the posts given at Sl. No. 1 & 5 and 18-27 years of age, for the posts given at Sl. No. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 & 9 as on 31 March 2013. Age Relaxations will be extended as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess Degree for Sr. No. 1 post, Master’s Degree in Hindi/English with English/Hindi as a subject at the degree level for Sr. No. 2 post, Graduate with One Year Diploma/Certificate Course in Computer, English typing speed of 30 wpm or Hindi typing speed of 25 wpm for Sr. No. 3 posts, Degree along with Shorthand test in English or Hindi comprising dictation test at 100 words per minute for seven minutes for Stenographer posts, Bachelor’s Degree in Science (with Chemistry as one of the main subject)/ Three years Diploma in Chemical/Mechanical/ Electrical/ Agricultural Engg for remaining posts.

Exam or Application fee: Candidates have to pay Rs.500 + Rs. 35 for Sr. No. 1, 2, 5 to 9 posts and for remaining posts candidates have to pay Rs.350 + Rs. 35 as application fee  through System Generated Challan at any branch of State Bank of India only. No fee for SC/ST/PWD/Women Candidates and existing departmental candidates of BIS for all posts & Ex-servicemen only for the posts of Junior Stenographer and LDC.
Selection Mode: Selection will be based on the performance in skill test / interview.
How to apply:Candidates are required to apply On-line through BIS website www.bis.org.in in English only from 27-04-2013 to 17-05-2013. The on-line registration process involves two steps for successful registration of the application.
Instructions for Online Application:
1. First Candidates have to scan their photo and signature & Keep open your Valid Email Account.
2. Log on to the website www.bis.org.in. From 27-04-2013 to 17-05-2013.
3. The on-line registration process involves two steps.
4. Click on “Recruitment Advt/Result”. After receiving user name and password candidates can fill up all the desired information in the on-line form.
5. On completion of Step-1, a message will be received a link for printing the bank challan. Take Print out and make the payment.
6. Candidates with fee exemption can enter directly to Step-2.
7. Candidates may check and confirm their payment status after minimum 48 hours of the deposit of the application fees.
8. Upload the photo & Signature.
9. After the registration is confirmed by the system after completion of Step-2, a system generated Email will be sent to candidate’s registered Email ID (also check Mail in spam box).
10. The Mail will contain a copy of information filled in by the candidate. The candidate should keep a copy of this application form for future reference. No send any copy to BIS.

Rajasthan DoITC -Apply Online for 6300 Informatics Assistant Posts 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

 Rajasthan DoITC -Apply Online for 6300 Informatics Assistant Posts 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Civil Supply Inspector: 08 posts
2. Delivery Assistant: 05 posts
3. Computer Operator: 20 posts
4. Stenographer: 01 post
Age Relaxation:-Candidates age must be 30 years for Sr. No. 1, 3 post, 35 years for Sr. No. 2 post. Age Relaxations will be extended as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess Graduation for Sr. No. 1, 2 posts, Bachelor of Comp Application along with Practical Experience of MS Word/ Excel for Sr. No. 3 post & Graduation along with good command of English with Shorthand speed of 100 WPM and 60 WPM in Computer Typing for Sr. No. 4 posts.
Exam or Application fee:Candidates have to pay Rs.100/- for Submitting Application to the Office of the Director (CAF&PD), Manipur on or before 29-04-2013 between 9.30am to 04.30pm.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in the interview.
How to apply: Candidates have to apply in prescribed format as shown in the notification or can be downloaded from www.manipur.gov.in. Fill the application form along with attested photocopies of all necessary documents/ certificates must be sent to the Office of the Director (CAF&PD), Manipur on or before 29-04-2013 between 9.30am to 04.30pm.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University - GIS/ MIS Expert, Operator posts 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University - GIS/ MIS Expert, Operator posts 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. GIS/ MIS Expert
2. GIS/ MIS Operator
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 27-04-2013.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess B.Tech/ Masters Degree/ M.Sc/ MCA in relevant field with desired experience in relevant field as per the post.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected based on Interview.
How to apply: Candidates may send their application with complete bio data along with attested copies all relevant certificates should reach in the Office of the Programme Director, CGRT, COBS, CSK HPKV, Palampur by 27-04-2013.

27 Coy ASC (Sup) - Civilian Vacancies 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

Coy ASC (Sup) - Civilian Vacancies 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1.  Eqpt Repairer: 01 Post
2.  Tinsmith: 01 Post
3. Carpenter: 01 Post
4. Barber: 01 Post
No of vacancies: 04
Age Relaxation:-Candidates’ age must be between 18 years to 25 years. Relaxation on age is applicable as per rules of Govt.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess Matriculation or equivalent with proficiency in relevant trade as per the post.
Selection Mode Candidates will be selected through physical test, written test, practical test and Interview.
How to apply: Candidates can send their application in the prescribed application format, fill it with all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature, two self addressed envelope covers with Rs.25/- postage stamp affixed and super scribe the name of the post to be applied for along with the category on the envelope and Copies of all relevant certificates to the Commandant,  27 Coy ASC (Sup) Type ‘F’, Pin 900241,c/o 56 APO within 21 days for the date of Advt.

AFRI Recruitment 2013 - Group C Vacancies | Various Vacancies Details

 AFRI Recruitment 2013 - Group C Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Junior Hindi Translator: 01 Post
2. Research Assistant Grade-I (General): 01 Post
3. Technical Assistant Gr. ‘C’ (General): 12 Posts
4. Library Information Assistant: 01 Post
5. Lower Divisional Clerk: 05 Posts
6. Multi Tasking Staff: 08 Posts
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 20-05-2013

No of vacancies: 28
Age Relaxation:-Candidates age between 18 to 30 years for post 1, 18 to 27 years for post 2 to 6 as on 01-05-2013. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess 10th /12th/ Graduate/ Master’s Degree in relevant field. For post wise details refer to the notification.
Exam or Application fee: Candidates need to pay the fee of Rs.100/- in the form of IPO/ Bank Draft of a Nationalized Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of Director, Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur must accompany the form. Exemption for SC/ ST candidates.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of written test and interview.
How to apply: Eligible candidates can send their application as per the format given in the notification along with attested copies of all relevant certificates and DD should reach  to The Director, Arid Forest Research Institute, P.O. Krishi Mandi, New Pali Road, Jodhpur-342 005 within 30 days from the date of the advertisement i.e 20-05-2013.

Friday, 26 April 2013

CSMCRI Jobs 2013 - JRF and Project Assistants Level I & II Posts | Various Vacancies Details

 CSMCRI Jobs 2013 - JRF and Project Assistants Level I & II Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
Post Name: JRF and Project Assistants Level I & II
No of vacancies: 04
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be maximum 28 years as on the date of interview. Age relaxation is applicable as per CSIR rule.
Edu Qualifi:Candidates must possess M. Sc. in chemistry & NET-LS/GATE is required for Project JRF.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of written test and interview.
How to apply:Interested candidates have to bring application on plain paper giving full particulars, Xerox copies of certificates/ testimonials of age, marksheets (Degree/Diploma), Educational Qualifications, Original Certificates, at CSMCRI Institute. Application can be send by email to  ppaul@csmcri.org, ganguly@csmcri.org and dnsrivastava@csmcri.org on or before  15-05-2013.

IIHR Recruitment 2013- Technical Officer Vacancies | Various Vacancies Details

 IIHR Recruitment 2013 - Technical Officer Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. T-6 (Technical Officer) (Farm): 01 post
2. T-6 (Technical Officer) (Library): 01 post
No of vacancies: 02
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be between 18-35 years. Age relaxation is applicable to OBC/ SC/ ST/ Physically Handicapped candidates to the extent permissible under the rules.
Edu Qualifi:  Candidates must possess Master’s degree in Agriculture OR Horticulture for Technical Officer (Farm) posts & Master’s degree in Library Science for Technical Officer (Library) post.
Exam or Application fee: Candidates have to pay Rs.300/- as application fee in the shape of DD drawn in favour of “ICAR unit – IIHR” payable at Bangalore. No fee for SC/ ST candidates.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of initial screening of the applications, followed by a Written Test & Interview.
How to apply: Candidates have to apply along with duly supported attested copies of educational/technical qualifications, caste certificates, experience certificate etc. should reach the Director, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore – 560 089, within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in Employment News.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Tech Tree IT Systems Careers 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

Tech Tree is looking for the experienced candidates to work at Mumbai for the position of Senior Software Developer. Candidates with B.E/ B.Tech/ BCA, M.Sc/ M.Tech/ MCA are eligible.
Company Name: Tech Tree IT Systems (P) Ltd
Experience: 2-4 years
Education: UG- B.E/ B.Tech/ BCA- Any Specialization
PG- M.Sc/ M.Tech/ MCA/ Diploma- Any Specialization
Location: Mumbai
Industry: IT Software/ Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Key skills: Java / J2EE, HTML, XHTML, XML, JavaScript, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Struts, Java Developer, Spring, Servlets, Java struts
Job Description: 
Candidate should be proficient in technologies including but not limited to JAVA, Struts, J2EE, JSP, Web Server, Application Servers, HTML, Windows 9X and understanding of Oracle 9i, My SQL and various development environment. Candidate will assist TL in module development, translate business requirement into code, debugging the code, maintain & modify the module as a team member. He should understand of the project life cycle process.
Contact Name: HR
Telephone: 0120-4222774
Website: www.techtreeit.com

ADI Softech Careers 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

ADI Softech is looking for fresher candidates to work as .Net Developer openings at Indore. Graduate and Post Graduate candidates are eligible.
Company Name: ADI Softech Pvt. Ltd
Experience: 0-1 years
Education: (UG – B.Tech/B.E. – Computers) AND (PG – Post Graduation Not Required) AND ( Doctorate – Doctorate Not Required)
Location: Indore
Industry: IT Software, Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Key skills: C, .Net Framework, C#, SQL 2005&2008, C++, OOP, RDBMS
Job description:
Candidate capable to understand C & C++ and code, knowledge of .Net framework,C# ,SQL2005&2008 , SQL (RDBMS) concept, OOP concept is a must.
Recruiter Name: Prerna Saxena
Website: www.adisoftin.com

Kensium Solutions Careers 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

Kensium Solutions Pvt ltd is looking for experienced candidates to work as Magento Certified Developer at Hyderabad.
Company name: Kensium Solutions Pvt ltd
Experience: 3-9 years
Location: Hyderabad
Industry: IT Computers-Software
Role: Software Engineer/Programmer, Team Leader/ Technical Leader.
Key skills: Magento Certified, PHP, MYSQL
Job description:
Candidate expertise in Php, MySQL, Magento and having knowledge on MySQL database design/management, experience in working with third party APIs such as SOAP, Face Book or any other social networking integration and Magento certification is required. Good communication skills are needed.
Company name: Kensium Solutions Pvt ltd
Web Site: www.kensium.com

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Jammu University Recruitment 2013 - JRF, Project Assistant Posts | Various Vacancies Details

Jammu University Recruitment 2013 - JRF, Project Assistant Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Junior Research Fellow: 02 Posts
2. Project Fellow: 01 Post
Edu Qualifi:Candidates must possess M.Sc. Degree in Biotechnology/ Microbiology and experience in the microbiological techniques for Project fellow post and B.Sc. Degree for project Assistant post.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Interview.
How to apply:Candidates should send their bio-data and attested copies of certificates along with application to Dr. Jyoti Vakhlu, Principal Investigator, DBT sponsored research project School of Biotechnology, University of Jammu, Jammu on or before 27-04-2013. Candidates may attend for interview in the office Dean Research studies, University of Jammu, Jammu in April 2013.

GNDU Recruitment 2013 - Research Asst, Tech Asst, DEO Posts | Various Vacancies Details

 GNDU Recruitment 2013 - Research Asst, Tech Asst, DEO Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Research Assistants: 10 Posts
2. Technical Assistant (Science): 08 Posts
3. Technical Assistant (Electrical): 01 Post
4. Data Entry Operator: 01 Post
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 26-04-2013

No of vacancies: 20
Edu Qualifi: Candidate must possess M.Sc (any sciences or Life sciences) for post 1, 10+2 with science for post 2, 10+2 with certificate of wireman approved by the Govt. of Punjab for post 3, Any Bachelor’s degree with knowledge of computer application for post 4.
How to apply: Candidates may send their bio data on plain paper with details of bio data along with copies of certificates, testimonials to reach the Director of Research, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005 by 26-04-2013.

HSCC (India) Ltd Noida Recruitment 2013 - Consultant Vacancies | Various Vacancies Details

 HSCC (India) Ltd Noida Recruitment 2013- Consultant Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Architecture Services
2. Structural Design Engineering
3. Project management & Site Supervision
4. Electrical Engineering Design
5. Design of Hvac
6. Medical
7. Gmp/Glp
8. IT
9. Liasion
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be below 63 years.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess Degree (Architecture, Civil, Elect, Mech Engg), MBBS/ Phd/ Graduate in Engg/ Pharmacy, MCA & Graduate with proven experience of liaising with various government authorities.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of interview.
How to apply:Candidates have to apply along with necessary documents, certificates, testimonials must be sent to Senior Manager (HRM), HSCC (I) Ltd, E-6(A), Sector-1 Noida (U.P)-201301 on or before 01-05-2013.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

IKSVV Recruitment 2013 - Teaching Posts | Various Vacancies Details

IKSVV Recruitment 2013 - Teaching Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Professor: 04 posts
2. Associate Professor: 10 posts
3. Assistant Professor: 11 posts
No of vacancies:26 
Edu Qualifi:Candidates must possess Doctoral/ Master’s Degree along with API PBAS Score Card, Qualified in SLET/SET.
Exam or Application fee: Unreserved Candidates have to pay Rs.500/- as application fee and Reserved candidates have to pay Rs.250/- as application fee in the form of DD drawn in favor of the Registrar, IKSVV, Khairagarh payable at SBI (0524), Khairagarh.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on merit basis, teaching skills and interview.
How to apply:Candidates have to apply in prescribed format. Fill the form, affix photograph, attach copies of age, caste, educational and experience certificates must be sent to Indra Kala Sangeet Viswa Vidyalaya on or before 30-04-2013.

GWSSB Recruitment 2013 - Apply Online for 58 Asst Engineer (Civil) Posts | Various Vacancies Details

GWSSB Recruitment 2013 - Apply Online for 58 Asst Engineer (Civil) Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
Post Name: Asst Engineer (Civil)
No of vacancies: 58

Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be below 30 years. Age Relaxations will be extended as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi:  Candidates must possess Degree in Civil Engineering from recognized Institute / University, Knowledge of MS Office, MS Excel, MS Word and Autocad in computer.
How to apply: Candidates have to apply online from http://ojas.guj.nic.in from 18-04-2013 to 28-04-2013.
Instructions for online Applications:
1. First candidates have to scan their photo and signature.
2. Log on to the website from http://ojas.guj.nic.in from 18-04-2013 to 28-04-2013.
3. Click on Apply Online.
4. Enter details and click on Apply Now.
5. Click on Application Format and fill all mandatory details one by one.
6. Click on self declaration on Yes/ No.
7. Upload the photo and signature.
8. Click on Confirm Application.
9. If Candidates wants to make changes then click on Edit Application otherwise Click on Confirm.
10. Take a print copy of Submitted Application.

ESIC AP Recruitment 2013 - Sr Resident Posts | Various Vacancies Details

ESIC AP Recruitment 2013 - Sr Resident Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. General Medicine: 02
2. General Surgery: 01
3. Anesthesia: 02 Posts
4. Pediatrics: 01 Post
5. Gynecology: 02 Posts
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 06-05-2013.
No of vacancies: 8
Age Relaxation:- Candidates’ upper age limit is 35 years as on 31-05-2013. Relaxation is applicable as per Govt rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess PG Degree/ Diploma in concerned specialty from a recognized University with relevant experience.
How to apply: Interested candidates can send applications containing complete bio-data in the prescribed format by giving the particulars mentioned in the notification, recent passport size photograph affixed, attested copies of all relevant testimonials/ certificates, caste certificate, MCI Registration certificate must reach The Medical Superintendent, ESIC Model Hospital, Nacharam, Hyderabad-500076 on or before 06-05-2013.

PT Ravishankar Shukla University Recruitment 2013 -Various Vacancies | Various Vacancies Details

 PT Ravishankar Shukla University Recruitment 2013 - Various Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 
A. Ghanshyam Singh Arya Kanya College Vacancy Details:
1. Assistant Professor (Commerce): 02 Posts
2. Lecturer (B.Ed): 02 Posts
3. M.Ed Lecturer: 02 Posts
B. Vandemataram College Vacancy Details:
1. Principal: 01 Post
2. Assistant Professor:
i. Computer Science: 01 Post
ii. Mathematics: 01 Post
3. Librarian: 01 Post
4. Clerk: 01 Post
No of vacancies: 11
Edu Qualifi: Candidates should possess Master Degree with at least 55 % marks from a recognized university and Ph.D Degree in concerned discipline in the institution concerned with evidence of published work for Principal Post, PG in relevant subject with 55 % and NET / SLET/ PH.D or BE/B.Tech and MCA with first class or equivalent in either BE B.Tech or MCA for Asst Professor Post and M.Lib with 55% marks and NET/SLET/Ph.D for Librarian Post, 10+2 with DCA for Clerk Post, Masters Degree with M.ED/B.Ed for Lecturer post.
How to apply: Eligible candidates can send their resumes with two passport size photographs and all attested certificates with 15 days from the date of Advt published to the Principal, Vandemataram College, Ganesh Chowk Dhamtari (c.g) Pin-493773 and two copies of application to the Principal, Ghanshyam Singh Arya Kanya College, Arya Nagar, Durg (C.G) within 7 days from the date of Advt published.

Monday, 22 April 2013

MGVCL Recruitment 2013- Apply Online for Manager, HR, Horticulturist Posts | Various Vacancies Details

MGVCL Recruitment 2013-Apply Online for Manager, HR, Horticulturist Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1.  Sr. Manager (Finance & Accounts)
2. Manager (Finance & Accounts)
3.  Executive (HR)
4.  Horticulturist
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 06-05-2013.
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age should be up to 45 years for Post 1, 40 years for post 2 & 4, 30 years for post 3   as on 19-04-2013. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess CA/ ICWA/ PG/ Degree in relevant field with desired experience as per the post. For post wise details refer to the notification.
How to apply: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Written Test/ Interview.
How to apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through official website of MGVCL (www.mgvcl.com/what’s new/jobs) and send the print out of application along with necessary document in hard copies also with super scribed as “Application For The Posts of _____ & Application No” and send To The Personnel Officer (HR), Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Limited 3rd floor, HR Department, Sardar Patel  Vidyut Bhawan, Race course, Vadodara 390007so as reach to on or before 06-05-2013.
Instructions for Online Application:
1. Candidates can log on to the website www.mgvcl.com/what’s new/jobs
2. Click on the link as per the post to be applied for.
3. Click on ‘Apply Online’. Fill all the details in the Online Application form.
4. After submission of Online Application take print of the Application.
5. Send the print of the hard copies of Application along with all documents to the above mentioned address.

West Bengal Medical Services Corporation Ltd - Manager, DEO Posts 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

West Bengal Medical Services Corporation Ltd - Manager, DEO Posts 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1.  Manager (Procurement): 01 Post
2.  Manager (Quality Assurance): 01 Post
3.  Manager (Logistics): 01 Post
4.  Manager (IT & MIS): 01 Post
5.  Executive Assistant cum DEO: 02 Posts
6.  Data Entry Operator cum Office Assistant: 01 Post
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 06-05-2013

No of vacancies: 07
Age Relaxation:-Candidates age should not exceed 40 years for post 1 to 4, 35 years for remaining posts  as on 01-01-2013. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Edu Qualifi:  Candidates must possess Bachelors Degree/ Masters Degree/ B.E/ B.Tech/ B.Com/ M.C.A in relevant field with desired experience as per the post. For post wise details refer to the notification.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected based on Typing Test and/or Written Examination and/or Interview as per the post.
How to apply:Candidates may apply through prescribed application format along with attested copies of all relevant documents and super scribe on the envelope for the post applied for by post or by hand to Managing Director, West Bengal Medical Services Corporation Limited, Swasthya Bhavan Complex, Institute Building, GN-29, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 091 on or before 06-05-2013.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

YCMOU Recruitment 2013 - Asst, Programme Assistant Posts | Various Vacancies Details

 YCMOU Recruitment 2013 - Asst, Programme Assistant Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Assistant/ Office Superintendent cum Accountant: 01 Post
2. Programme Assistant (Computer): 01 Post
No of vacancies: 02
Age Relaxation:- Candidates upper age limit should not exceed 35 years. Upper age limit is not applicable to employees of universities/Govt./Semi Govt. organizations.
Edu Qualifi:  Candidates should possess Bachelors degree in Commerce or relevant field & knowledge of computer use is essential for Post No.1 and Bachelors Degree in Computer related Science (BCS/BCA) for Post No.2.
Exam or Application fee: Candidates has to pay the application fee of Rs.300/- (Rs.150/- for reserve category) in the form of DD in favour of The Finance Officer, YCMOU, Nashik.
How to apply:Eligible candidates can send the applications downloaded from the website http://ycmou.digitaluniversity.ac along with DD to Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dnyangangotri’, Near Gangapur Dam, Govardhan, Nashik – 422222 on or before 10-05-2013.

District Health & Family Welfare Samiti West Bengal - Walk in for Medical Officers 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

 District Health & Family Welfare Samiti West Bengal - Walk in for Medical Officers 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 
1. GDMO: 04 Posts
2. SPL MO (Gynae): 04 Posts
No of vacancies: 08
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess MBBS, Registration Certificate from West Bengal Medical Council or Medical Council of India for GDMO and MBBS with PG Degree or Diploma in Gynecology & Obstetrics, Registration Certificate from West Bengal Medical Council or Medical Council of India for SPL MO (Gynae).

Selection Mode:Candidates will be selected based on interview.
How to apply: Interested candidates can attend walk in interview along with original & attested photo copies of all testimonials (including Attempt Certificate) and other certificates including residential proof, Voter ID Card etc held at Collectorate Conference Hall, Office of the District Magistrate,Hooghly on 04-05-2013 at 11.00 AM.

Date & Time of Interview: 04-05-2013 at 11.00 AM.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Quagnitia Systems Careers 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

Quagnitia Systems is recruiting the experienced candidates to work as Php Developer at Goa.
Company Name: Quagnitia Systems Pvt Ltd
Experience: 1-3 years
Location: Goa
Industry: IT/Computers Software
Role: Software Engineer/Programmer
Key skills: Software Developer, Software Engineer,Goa, Php developer
Job description:
Candidate having at least 1 year experience in PHP development, experience in at least on any of the two frameworks; Yii, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symfony and Zend, should have good knowledge & experience on core PHP & core MYSQL and good communication skills are required.
Company Name: Quagnitia Systems Pvt Ltd
Website: www. quagnitia.com

WB State Health & Family Welfare Samiti Recruitment 2013 - PO, Nurse, Social Worker Posts 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

WB State Health & Family Welfare Samiti Recruitment 2013 - PO, Nurse, Social Worker Posts 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Programme Officer (P.O): 01 Post
2. Psychiatric Social Worker: 01 Post
3. Psychiatric Nurse/ Trained General Nurse: 01 Post
4. Community Nurse: 01 Post
No of vacancies: 04
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess MBBS with ND/ DNB Psychiarty/ DPM / M.Phil/ M.Sc in Psychiatric Nursing/ GNM from any recognized university of India as per the post. For post wise details refer to the notification.
Selection Mode Candidates will be selected on the basis of interview.
How to apply: Candidates may send their applications along with CV and attested copies of all relevant certificates and a recent pass port size photograph duly attached and super scribe as “Application for recruitment in District Mental Health Programme, Paschim Medinpur” and send to the Nodal Officer and Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Midnapore Medical College & Hospital, Paschim medinpur, Pin-721101 so as to reach within 15 days from the date of Advt published in the news paper.

Vichara Technologies Careers 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

Vichara Technologies is looking for the experienced candidates to work as Java Developer at Delhi, Pune. Graduate, Postgraduate and Doctorate candidates are eligible.
Company Name: Vichara Technologies
Experience: 2-4 years
Education: (UG – B.Tech/B.E. – Computers) AND (PG – Post Graduation Not Required) AND ( Doctorate – Any Doctorate – Any Specialization, Doctorate Not Required)
Location: Delhi, Pune
Industry: IT Software/ Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Salary: INR 4,00,000 – 6,00,000 P.A
Key skills: Hibernate, Spring, Struts, Ibatis, MS Sql, Java Programming, Java / J2Ee Spring, Java Struts.
Job description:
Candidate having at least 2 years of experience on Java Servlets, JSP, Struts, IBATIS, Hibernate, spring framework, very strong in databases preferably SQL.
Recruiter Name: Mr. Vineet Samson
Website: www. vichara.com

Friday, 19 April 2013

JAPIT Recruitment 2013 - Project & Technical Manager Vacancies | Various Vacancies Details

Fininfocom requires the experienced candidates to work as Senior PHP Developer atHyderabad. Both Graduates and Post Graduates are eligible.
Company Name: Fininfocom
Experience: 2-5 Years
Education: UG-B.E/ B.Tech, B.Sc, BA, B.com, PG-MCA/Any Graduate.
Location: Hyderabad.
Industry: IT/ Computers-Software
Role: Software Programmer/ Engineer
Key skills: PHP5, oops PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, JQuery.
Job Description:
Candidate having experience in PHP5, oops PHP, AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery, MVC, MySQL, CMS, as a senior PHP developer, he/she  has to analysis the projects, coordinating with team members and have extensive experience in handling web applications mainly in portal sites. Good Understanding on MVC architecture and frameworks, implementing the project management practice, analysis and coding. Must have done a project from scratch, designed DB, programmed, made it live (hosted it) and maintained the live project. Capable of handling a team, able to work independently and in multiple projects and good communication skills are required.
Address: #101, Sai sampada plaza, above oriental bank of commerce, near NGRI bus-stop, Habisguda, Hyderabad
Telephone: 040-64560007
Website: www. fininfocom.com

IICB Recruitment 2013 - Walk In for Project Fellow, Project Asst Posts | Various Vacancies Details

IICB Recruitment 2013 - Walk In for Project Fellow, Project Asst Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Administrative Asst: 01 Post
2. Lower Division Clerk: 01 Post
No of vacancies: 02
Age Relaxation:- Candidates’ age should not exceed 28 years for Post 1, 25 years for Post 2. Relaxation is allowed as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi:  Candidates must possess Graduation in any discipline with English Typewriting: 40 W.P.M and computer certificate (MSCIT) or DCA for Administrative Asst, H. Sc with Typewriting (English) 30 W.P.M & MS-CIT for LDC with relevant experience for LDC Post.
Exam or Application fee: Applicants should pay application fee of Rs.100 in the form of crossed Demand Draft drawn in favor of Director, National AIDS Research Institute, 73, ‘G’ Block MIDC, Bhosari, P.B. 1895, Pune – 411026.  Woman candidates are exempted from payment of fees.
Selection Mode: Call letters will be sent to eligible candidates by email only and selected based on interview.
How to apply: Interested candidates can send applications in prescribed format downloadable from the website, along with crossed DD, attested copies of the supporting documents to Director, National AIDS Research Institute, 73, ‘G’ Block MIDC, Bhosari, P.B. 1895, Pune – 411026 on or before 30-04-2013. Separate applications are to be submitted for every post that is applied.

NARI Recruitment 2013 - Administrative Asst, LDC Posts | Various Vacancies Details

NARI Recruitment 2013 - Administrative Asst, LDC Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Project Fellow: 01 Post
2. Project Assistant Level-III: 01 Post
No of vacancies: 02
Age Relaxation:-Candidates minimum age limit of candidates is 28 years for Project Fellow Post and 32 years for Project Asst Post. Relaxation is applicable as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess M.Sc in Physiology with at least 55% marks. Candidates having Physiology in B.Sc will be preferred for Project Felow post and M.Pharm / M.Tech (Biotechnology / Chemical Engineering) and Basic knowledge in drug analysis for Project Asst Post.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected based on Interview. Candidates must produce original documents at the time of interview.
How to apply: Interested candidates fulfilling all the above conditions may appear for the walk-in-interview to be held in Red Carpet Room for Project Fellow & New Conference Room for Project Asst post with all relevant documents original and attested copy of all relevant certificates on 22-04-2013.
Date of Interview: 22-04-2013

Thursday, 18 April 2013

SCTIMST Recruitment 2013 - Walk in for Technical Asst Posts | Various Vacancies Details

SCTIMST Recruitment 2013 - Walk in for Technical Asst Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
Post Name: Technical Assistant
Age Relaxation:- Age limit of candidate is 35 years as on 30-04-2013.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess B.Sc with 60% marks, one year Diploma in Medical Lab. Technology from a recognized institution or B.Sc (MLT) with 60% marks with relevant experience.

Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected based on interview.
How to apply: Interested candidates can attend interview along with bio-data, original and attested copies of certificates to prove their age, qualification, experience etc at IV FLOOR, Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies of the Institute at Medical College Campus, Thiruvananthapuram on 29-04-2013 at 10.00 AM.
Important Dates:
Date & Time of Interview: 29-04-2013 at 10.00 AM
Reporting Time: 09.00 AM

GAIL Recruitment 2013 - Apply Online for 30 Sr Engineers | Various Vacancies Details

GAIL Recruitment 2013 - Apply Online for 30 Sr Engineers | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
Name of the Post: Senior Engineer (Chemical)
No of vacancies: 30

Age Relaxation:-  Upper age limit of candidate is 30 years as on 30-04-2013. Relaxation is applicable as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess Bachelor Degree in Engineering in Chemical/ Petrochemical/ Chemical Technology/ Petrochemical Technology with minimum 65 % marks with relevant experience.
Exam or Application fee:Candidates belonging to General and OBC Category must pay the fee of Rs.200/- in the form of Demand Draft/ Pay Order drawn in favor of GAIL (India) Limited payable at New Delhi. SC/ ST and PWD candidates are exempted from the fee.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected based on Group Discussion and/ or Interview.
How to apply:Interested candidates need to apply Online through GAIL website: www.gailonline.com by filling all the necessary details till 07-05-2013 24.00 Hrs. After applying Online candidates need to download the Application Form generated by the system with unique registration number. Print out of the Online Application Form duly signed and affixing latest passport size color photograph (03 copies of the same photo should be retained for use at the time of interview) along with DD (if applicable), attested true copies of the relevant testimonial/ documents by super scribing the post applied for on the envelope to Sr. Manager (HRD), GAIL (India) Limited, GAIL Bhawan, 16, Bhikaiji Cama Place, R K Puram, New Delhi, PIN-110066 on or before 21-05-2013.

1. Log on to ‘www.gailonline.com’ to apply Online
2. Select ‘Click here to Apply Online’ link under appropriate advertisement link
3. Fill all the mandatory details and click on Submit button
4. Take print out of system generated Online Application Form and send by Oridinary Post.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Fininfocom Careers 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

Fininfocom Careers 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
Post Name:e-District Manager
No of vacancies: 24
Age Relaxation:-  Candidates age must be between 25 to 35 years as on 31-03-2013. Age Relaxations will be extended as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi:Candidates must possess BCA / B.E/ B.Tech/ M.Sc/MCA/Any graduate with Diploma in computers and Knowledge of Hindi and English is mandatory. Minimum of four years of work experience in IT / e-Governance related field.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of interview.
How to apply: Candidates may apply through prescribed application format and submit a scanned copy of the filled up application form (as attachment to the mail) by 30-04-2013 to the email id:Jharkhand.degsmanager@gmail.com and in the subject line as  “Application for e-District Manager for Jharkhand_<Applicant’s Name>”.Application received in any form other than e-mail will be rejected.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Andhra University Recruitment 2013 - SRF, JRF Posts | Various Vacancies Details

Andhra University Recruitment 2013 - SRF, JRF Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Senior Research Fellow: 01 Post
2. Junior Research Fellow: 02 Posts
No of vacancies: 03
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess first class in M.Sc. Marine Biology and Fisheries or Coastal Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology or Marine Biotechnology or Biotechnology or Zoology with relevant experience.

Selection Mode:Candidates will be selected based on interview.
How to apply:Interested candidates can send their curriculum vitae giving details of academic qualifications, age and experience if any by email: sujatha.mlrau@gmail.com on or before 15-04-2013. Interviews are scheduled to be held on third week of April 2013.

Last Date for Submission of Application by email: 15-04-2013
Schedule of Interview: Third week of April 2013.

Tamil Nadu Open University - Principal, DEO, Lab Asst & Other Posts 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

 Tamil Nadu Open University - Principal, DEO, Lab Asst & Other Posts 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Principal
2. Work Skill Teacher
3. Lab Assistant
4. Data Entry Operator & Asst
5. Office Asst cum Photocopier Operator
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 30-04-2013.

Age Relaxation:- Candidates age should be between 35 to 45 years for post 1 & 2 and 25 to 35 years for remaining posts.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess SSC/ Degree/ B.E/ B.Tech/ Diploma in relevant field with desired experience as per the post. For post wise details refer to the notification.
Exam or Application fee: Prescribed application can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Open University, 577, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai – 600 015 in person on payment of cash Rs. 100/ – for Post 1 & 2 and Rs.50/- for remaining posts or by sending a requisition accompanied by a Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘Tamilnadu Open University’ payable at Chennai.
Selection Mode:Candidates will be selected based on Test/Interview.
How to apply: Candidates may apply through prescribed application form. Candidates should send the filled in application along with all enclosures, DD should reach to the Registrar, TNOU on or before 30-04-2013.

Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital - Walk in for Sr Resident Vacancies 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital - Walk in for Sr Resident Vacancies 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
Name of the Post: Senior Residents
Name of the Department:
1. Cardiology
2. Nephrology
3. Neurology
4. Radiology
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be 35 years for Sr. Residents as on 17-04-2013. Age relaxation is allowed for SC/ST / OBC (belonging to Delhi only) as per rules.
Edu Qualifi: MBBS with Post Graduate Degree/Diploma/DNB in the concerned specialty for Radiology and MD/DNB (Medicine/ Pediatrics/ DM) for Cardiology, and Nephrology) from a recognized University/ Institution and should have a valid registration with Delhi Medical Council. The candidate must not have completed 03 years Senior Residency in any hospital in India.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Interview.
How to apply: Candidates have to attend for walk in along with their bio-data and attested photocopies of certificates and original documents on 17-04-2013 by 11.00 am in the office of Director Janak Puri Super Specialty Hospital.
Date for Walk in: 17-04-2013.
Report for Registration:  10.00 AM to 11.00 AM

Monday, 15 April 2013

Eureka Electrosoft Solutions Careers 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

 Eureka Electrosoft Solutions Careers 2013: Eureka Electrosoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (EESPL) is a Multi Domain Organization, covering almost all major trends of modern day technology. Eureka Electrosoft Solutions provides new epitome of IT solutions in the embedded, Telecom & Software based Product development services.
(1-3 years) Assistant Software Developer Openings at Chandigarh, Mohali:
Eureka Electrosoft Solutions Pvt Ltd requires experienced candidates to work as Assistant Software Developer at Chandigarh, Mohali. Graduate, Post Graduate candidates are eligible.
Job summary:
Company Name: Eureka Electrosoft Solutions Pvt Ltd
Experience: 1-3 years
Education: (UG – Any Graduate – Any Specialization, B.Tech/B.E. – Computers) OR (PG – M.Tech – Computers) OR (Doctorate – Doctorate Not Required)
Location: Chandigarh, Mohali 
Industry: IT Software, Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Key skills: User Controls, Windows Application, Console Application, Custom Controls, Deployment, Mvc Architecture, Silverlight.
Job description:
Candidate having minimum of 1 year experience in .Net Development ,would be responsible for working on industrial projects, should have good knowledge of windows, web and console based application, should have prior experience of working on projects and good communication skills are required.
Website: www. eespl.com

RUHS Recruitment 2013 - Apply Online for Teaching Positions | Various Vacancies Details

RUHS Recruitment 2013 – Apply Online for Teaching Positions | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 
A. Assistant Professor:
1. Prosthodontics: 01 Post
2. Orthodontics: 01 Post
3. Conservative Dentistry: 01 Post
4. Oral Diagnosis: 01 Post
5. Dental Material: 01 post
B. Senior Demonstrator
1. Dental Material: 01 Post
No of vacancies: 06
Edu Qualifi: Candidate must possess MDS/ M.Sc Dental Material Degree and 3 years teaching or R&D experience in the advanced Biotechnology research for Asst Professor Posts & BDS Degree for Senior Demonstrator posts.
Exam or Application fee: General Candidates have to pay Rs.5000/- and Sc/ST Candidates have to pay Rs.2500/- as application fee in the form of Challan.
How to apply: Candidates have to apply though online from the website www.ruhsraj.org from 05-04-2013 to 20-04-2013. After submission of Online application candidates should take the print of the application and send the hard copy along with attested copies of all relevant documents to R.U.H.S Jaipur.

Hyphen Technologies Careers 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

(1-3 years) PHP Programmer/ Developer openings at Delhi/ NCR:
Hyphen Technologies Private Limited is looking for the experienced candidates for PHP Programmer/ Developer to work at Delhi/ NCR. Candidates with Graduation are eligible.
Company Name: Hyphen Technologies Private Limited
Experience: 1-3 years
Education: UG- Any Graduation- Any Specialization
Location: Delhi/ NCR
Industry: Software Services
Role: Senior Programmer/ Developer
Key Skills: Php, MySQL, Opensource, Web Developer, PHP Developing, Php programmer, Php developer.
Job Description:
Candidate having experience on web development & custom PHP programming with one or more open sources such as Cake PHP, Magento, Joomla, WordPress etc, client relationship management, project co-ordination and delivery management in an onsite-offshore model, experience in planning, execution and implementation of high quality software projects. Good at visualization & making Clean Web layouts, should be able to handle stressful situations and deadline pressures well, good communication skills & time management.
Contact Name: Preeti Bhat
Telephone: +91-9582447780
Website: www.hyphentechnology.com

Sunday, 14 April 2013

DVC Recruitment 2013 - Apply Online for 321 Jr Engineer, MT & Nurse Posts | Various Vacancies Details

DVC Recruitment 2013 - Apply Online for 321 Jr Engineer, MT & Nurse Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 
1. Orthopedic Surgeon: 01 Post
2. Sr Chemist Gr III: 18 Posts
3. Management Trainee (P&A): 14 Posts
4. Executive (Law): 02 Posts
5. Jr Engineer Gr II (Elec): 164 Posts
6. Jr Engineer Gr II (Mech): 52 Posts
7. Jr Engineer Gr II (C& I): 11 Posts
8. Jr Engineer Gr II (Commn): 13 Posts
9. Jr Nurse Gr II: 27 Posts
10. Jr Pharmacist Gr II: 19 Posts
No of vacancies: 321
Age Relaxation:- Candidates upper age limit should not exceed 45 years for Post No.1, 30 years for Post No.2 &3, 45 years for Post No.4, 28 years for Post No. 5 to 8, 32 years for Post No. 9 and 35 years for Post No.10. Ages will be as on 01-01-2013. Age relaxation will be applicable as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates should possess Post Graduate Degree like MS or Diploma like FRCS or MD. Ortho/MS Ortho for Post No.1, M.Sc (Chemistry) with B.Sc (Hons) in Chemistry from a recognized institute/college/ university with at least 60% marks in aggregate for Post No.2, Masters Degree/ Post Graduate Diploma or equivalent to Degree in HR Management/ Personnel Management/ Industrial Relations for Post No.3, Degree in Law from a recognized university or a Premier Law School or College for Post No.4, 3 years Diploma in Engineering/ Technology in Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering from any recognized university for Post No.5, three years full time Diploma in Engineering/ Technology in Mechanical Engineering from any recognized college for Post No.6, three years full time Diploma in Engineering/ Technology in Electronics & Telecommunications/ Instrumentation Engineering for Post No.7, three years full time Diploma in Engineering & Technology in Electronics & Telecommunications/ Telecommunications Engineering for Post No.8, Higher Secondary (Science)/ equivalent with Diploma in General Nursery and Midwifery for Post No.9 and Higher Secondary (Science)/ equivalent with 2 years Diploma Course in Pharmacy from recognized institution for Post No.10.
Exam or Application fee: General & OBC candidates has to pay a non refundable fee of Rs.300/- (Three Hundred Only) for posts No. 1 to 4 and a non refundable fee of Rs.200/- (Two Hundred Only) from Post No. 5 to 10 with service charges as applicable to the bank in the State Bank of India’s DVC Account No. 31728459593 (Power Jyoti Scheme) at SBI, CAG Brach Kolkata on behalf of DVC. No application fee for SC/ST/PH & DVC candidates.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected based on the educational qualifications, experience and performance in written test/ interview.
How to apply: Eligible candidates can apply through DVC’s Online Registration system only. The online registration link is available at www.dvc.gov.in from 13-04-2013 13:00 hrs to 24:00 hrs of 06-05-2013. After Submission of Application, send the hard copy of the application form along with attested photo, signature and LTI and with documents mentioned in the notification by ordinary post only, by super scribing the top of the envelope as” Name of the Post & Post No. and Category-Gen/OBC/SC/ST/PHE/Ex-serviceman”, to The Advertiser (DVC), Post Box No. 10543, New Delhi-110067 on or before 13-05-2013.
1. Before applying online scan the photograph and signature of the candidate.
2. Visit the Website www. dvcindia.org –> Click on Carees–> Recruitment Notice–>’Click here to Apply Online” –> ‘Apply online’ for DVC Posts.
3. Fill the application form with all necessary details
4. Down load the challan form from the website and pay the fee at SBI and collect Journal No, Bank Branch & Code.
5. Revisit the Website wwwldvcindia.org
6. Fill the fee payment details
7. After filling all the details submit the Application Form.
8. A Unique registration/ form number will be generated and take the print out of the application form with registration number.
9. Send the hard copy of the application form to the  mentioned address on or before 13-05-2013.

UPSC Advt No 5/2013 - Apply Online for Various Vacancies Details

UPSC Advt No 5/2013 - Apply Online for Various Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Assistant Director (Cost): 10 Posts
2. Assistant Director (Physics): 02 Posts
3. Junior Staff Officer: 05 Posts
4. Superintending Mining Geologist: 01 Posts
5. Associate Town and Country Planner: 01 Posts
No of vacancies: 19
Age Relaxation:-Upper age limit of candidate is 35 years for S.No 1 & 3 Posts; 40 years for S.No 2 Post; 50 years for S.No 4 Post; 45 years for S.No 5 Post as on 02-05-2013. Relaxation is applicable as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess a qualification recognized for enrolment in the Register of Members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or of the Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India or equivalent for S.No 1 Post; Master’s Degree in Physics/ Biophysics/ Forensic Sc with Physics as one of the subjects at Bachelor of Sc level or equivalent for S.No 2 Post; Master’s Degree/ M.Tech/ BE/ B.Tech  in Computer Applications/ Computer Sc/ IT/ Computer Technology for S.No 3 Post; Master’s Degree in Geology or Applied Geology for S.No 4 Post; PG in Town or City or Urban or Housing or Country or Rural or Infrastructure or Regional or Transport or Environmental Planning for S.No 5 Post from a recognized University or Institute or equivalent with relevant experience.

Exam or Application fee:  Candidates need to pay the fee of Rs.25/- either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/ master credit/ debit card. SC/ ST/ PH/ Women Candidates of any community are exempted from the fee.
Selection Mode:Candidates will be selected based on recruitment test/ interview.
How to apply: Interested candidates must apply online through the website “www.upsconline.nic.in” till 02-05-2013 by 23.59 Hrs. After submitting the Online Recruitment Application, the candidates are required to take out a print out of the finally submitted Online Recruitment Application. Candidates need to submit the printout of the online application along with all the relevant original documents/ certificates along with self attested copies of certificates at the time of interview.
1. Log on to the website www.upsconline.nic.in
2. Click on the link “Online Recruitment Application (ORA) for Various Recruitment Posts”.
3. Select the appropriate Post and click on “Apply Online”.
4. Fill all the mandatory fields and click on ‘Submit’ button.
5. After submission of ORA, candidates are required to take print out of ORA for future use.

TNPL Recruitment 2013 - Managerial Vacancies | Various Vacancies Details

 TNPL Recruitment 2013 - Managerial Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Assistant General Manager (Finance): 01 Post
2. Assistant General Manager (Marketing): 02 Posts
3. Assistant General Manager (Internal Audit): 01 Post
4. Manager (Marketing): 02 Posts
5. Deputy Manager (Marketing): 01 Post
No of vacancies: 07
Age Relaxation:-Candidates upper age limit should not exceed 43 years as on 01-03-2013 for Post No.1, 2 & 3, upper age limit should not exceed 37 years as on 01-03-2013 for post No.4 and should not exceed 34 years as on 01-03-2013 for Post No.5. Age relaxation will be applicable as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi:Candidates should possess Charted Accountant or Cost Accountant for Post No.1, 3, first class full time Engineering Degree with first class Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management or First class full time MBA for Post No.2, 4 & 5.
How to apply:Eligible candidates can send their applications in the prescribed formant as given in notification along with the copies of testimonials like date of birth, community, educational qualifications, class & percentage of marks etc and the bio data, to the Deputy General Manager (Corporate Technical Cell), Tamil Nadu News Print and Papers Limited, 67, Mount Road, Guindy, Chennai 600032 on or before 25-04-2013.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

NHAI Recruitment 2013 - Civil Engineer Posts | Various Vacancies Details

 NHAI Recruitment 2013 - Civil Engineer Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
Post Name: Civil Engineer (Site Engineer)

No of vacancies: 02
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess Degree in Civil Engineering with relevant experience.
How to apply: Interested candidates can send applications only by speed post or by hand to NHAI, Office of the Chief General Manager (Tech), Regional Office, B-402, Road No 4-C, Ashok Nagar, Ranchi-834002 on or before 15-05-2013.

SCCL Recruitment 2013 - Apply Online for 40 Various Vacancies | Various Vacancies Details

SCCL Recruitment 2013 - Apply Online for 40 Various Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Executive Director (Corporate strategy)
2. Welfare Officer Trainee (E1 Grade) (Men Only): 25 Posts
3. Junior Estate Officer (E1 Grade): 15 Posts
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 07-05-2013

No of vacancies: 40
Age Relaxation:-Candidates should have minimum 50 years and not more than 55 years for Post 1 and  30 years for remaining posts as on 01-01-2013.
Edu Qualifi: Candidate must possess Degree for Post 3, Graduates with at least two years full time PG Degree /Diploma / Post graduate Programme in Management with specialization in HR/ Industrial Relations / Personnel Management or MHRD or MBA or Master of Social work with specialization in HR from recognized Indian University /Institutes with minimum 60% marks for Post 2 ad post 1 refer to the notification. Knowledge of Telugu is desirable.
Selection Mode: Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Written Test & Interview for post 2 & 3 and only Interview for post 1.
How to apply: Candidates must apply for the desired post only through online mode on or before 27-04-2103. After submission of Online Application candidates must take the print out of application form and signed by the candidate enclosing there with copies of certificates, self-addressed stamped (Rs.5/-) envelope should be should be sent it by Post or Courier to the Director (PA&W), The Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd., Recruitment Cell, Kothagudem 507 101, Khammam Dist. (AP) on or before 07-05-2013.

1. Log on to www.scclmines.com and select the ‘Careers with us’ link.
2. Select the link ‘Online Registration’ to start applying for the post Online.
3. Select the concerned link from links, and select the ‘click here’ link.
4. Fill all the mandatory details in the application form and click on ‘Submit’ button.
5. Take print out of Application Form and send it along with all relevant enclosures and Rs. 5/- stamp attested self addressed envelope.
6. Send it by post/ courier to the above mentioned address.

Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital Recruitment 2013 - Walk in for Jr Resident Posts | Various Vacancies Details

 Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital Recruitment 2013- Walk in for Jr Resident Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
Post Name: Junior Resident (Dental) 
No of vacancies: 01

Age Relaxation:-Age limit of candidate is 30 years for General, 35 years for SC/ ST and 33 years for OBC candidates as on 22-04-2013
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess BDS Degree from a recognized University/ Institution and must possess valid Registration Certificate from Delhi Dental Council.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected based on interview.
How to apply:Interested candidates can attend walk in interview with duly filled application form along with copies of certificates and testimonials duly attested by a Gazetted Officer and one passport size photograph held at 4th Floor, Administrative Block, SGM hospital on 22-04-2013 at 11:00 A.M.

Date & Time of Interview: 22-04-2013 at 11:00 A.M.
Registration Time: 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM 

Friday, 12 April 2013

CAPE Kerala Recruitment 2013 - 39 Faculty Positions | Various Vacancies Details

CAPE Kerala Recruitment 2013 - 39 Faculty Positions | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Director: 01 Post
2. Principal: 04 Posts
3. Professor: 29 Posts
4. Asst Professor: 05 Posts
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 24-04-2013 by 5.00 PM.

No of vacancies: 39
Age Relaxation:- Upper age limit of candidate is 56 years for regular appointment and 65 years for contract appointment
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess First class in Masters degree in appropriate discipline (MBA) and Ph.D in appropriate discipline (Management) for Director; B.E/ B.Tech and M.E/ M.Tech in relevant subject with First class or equivalent, Ph.D in appropriate discipline, Post Ph.D publication and guiding Ph.D students is highly desirable for Principal & Professor; Master Degree in Physical Education (two year course) or Master degree in Sports or an equivalent with at least 55% marks or its equivalent and should have cleared the NET conducted by UGC for Asst Professor with relevant experience.
Exam or Application fee: Candidates must pay the fee of Rs.500/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of the Director,CAPE, payable at Thiruvananthapuram.
How to apply: Interested candidates can send applications in the prescribed format along with DD, self attested copies of relevant documents in proof of age, qualification, experience must reach 1st floor,Co-Bank Towers, Vikas Bhavan P.O., Thiruvananthapuram-695033 on or before 24-04-2013 by 5.00 PM.

Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2013 - Various Vacancies Details

Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2013 - Various Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 
1. Animal catcher: 01 post
2. Personal Assistant: 03 posts
3. Cattle supervisor: 01 post
4. Clerk-cum-computer operator: 02 posts
5. Tax Inspector: 02 posts
6. Inspector (House Tax): 03 posts
7. Sanitary Inspector: 04 posts
8. Public Relation Officer: 01 post
9. Legal Officer: 01 post
10. Assistant accountant: 01 post
11. Vigilance Officer: 01 post
12. Labour Assistant Officer: 01 post
13. Auditor: 01 post
14. Assistant Secretary: 01 post
15. E.D.P. Manager: 01 post
16. Junior Engineer: 01 post
17. Junior Town planner: 01 post
18. Solid Waste Manager: 01 post
19. Tax Officer: 01 post
20. House Tax Officer: 01 post
21. Administrative officer: 01 post
No of vacancies: 30
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be 28 years for Sr. No. 1 to 4 posts, 35 years for Sr.No. 5, 6, 10, ,13, 14, 15, 20, 21 posts, 40 years for Sr. No. 7, 9 posts & 45 years for Sr. No. 11, 12, 16 to 19 posts.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess 10th, 12th Class, Any Degree, B.Com, B.E (Civil), M.Com, MSW, Computer Engineer.
Exam or Application fee:Candidates have to pay Rs.200/- as application fee.
Selection Mode:  Candidates will be selected on the basis of written test.
How to apply: Candidates have to apply through online website http://ojas.guj.nic.in from 06-04-2013 to 26-04-2013.

1. First Candidates have to scan their photo and signature.
2. Log on to the website http://ojas.guj.nic.in & http://ojas1.guj.nic.in from 06-04-2013 to 26-04-2013.
3. Click on Apply Now.
4. Fill all Details.
5. Upload the Photo and Signature File.
6. Click on Confirm Application.
7. Take a Hard Copy of the Submitted Application.

Rajkot Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2013 - 40 Cleaner cum Jr Fireman Posts | Various Vacancies Details

Rajkot Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2013 - 40 Cleaner cum Jr Fireman Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
Post Name:Cleaner cum Je Fireman
No of vacancies: 40
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be between 18 to 28 years. Age relaxations will be extended as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess IX Class with Driving & Swimming Knowledge.
Exam or Application fee: Unreserved Candidates have to pay Rs.100 & Rs.50 must be paid by Reserved candidates as application fee in the form of demand draft drawn in favor of “Rajkot municipal Corporation” payable at Rajkot.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the Merit basis.
How to apply: Candidates have to apply in prescribed format as shown in the notification or can be downloaded from the website www.rmc.gov.in. Fill the form, affix photo, attach necessary copies of supportive documents, DD and send it to Commissioner, Rajkot Municipal Corporation, Bhavnagar Rd, GIDC Rajkot.
Last Date to apply: 15-04-2013

DBSKKV Recruitment 2013 -67 Clerk, Engineer & Stenographer Posts | Various Vacancies Details

DBSKKV Recruitment 2013 - 67 Clerk, Engineer & Stenographer Posts | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Office Superintendant: 04 posts
2. Assistant Superintendant: 05 posts
3. Stenographer: 05 posts
4. Junior Engineer (Electrical): 02 posts
5. Junior Engineer (Architecture): 01 post
6. Senior Clerk: 08 posts
7. Driver: 06 posts
8. Labour: 36 posts
No of vacancies: 67
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be between 18-33 years. Age relaxations will be extended as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess VII Class, SSC with Typing Knowledge, Any Degree, ITI, Diploma (Engg), Driving License, Stock Supervisor Course from Agriculture University, Draftsman Diploma.
Exam or Application fee:Unreserved Candidates have to pay Rs.400/-  and Reserved candidates have to pay Rs.100/- as application fee for the Sr. No. 1 to 25 posts & for remaining posts Unreserved candidates must pay Rs.100/- and Reserved candidates must pay Rs.50/- as application fee in the form of DD drawn in favor of ” Controller, DBSKKV” from any Nationalized Bank. Candidates can refer notification for details.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on interview basis.
How to apply: Candidates have to apply in prescribed format as shown in the notification. Fill the form, affix photograph, attach copies of age, caste, nativity, educational and technical qualification certificates, DD must be sent to Chief Secretary, Dr. Bala Saheb Sawant Konkan Krushi vidyalay, Dapoli” on or before 03-05-2013.