Monday, 7 January 2013

Zila Panchayat Chhattisgarh Recruitment 2013 - 88 Teacher Vacancies | Various Vacancies Details

Zila Panchayat Chhattisgarh Recruitment 2013 - 88 Teacher Vacancies | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of
1. Hindi: 02 posts
2. English: 10 posts
3. Science: 21 posts
4. Mathematics: 47 posts
5. Social Studies: 08 posts
Those who are eligible candidates have to apply through online on or before 
No of vacancies: 88
Age Relaxation:- Candidates age must be between 21 to 35 years as on 01-01-2013.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess degree in their concerned subjects along with Basic Education or with 50% marks in Degree along with B. Ed in their concerned subjects and must be TET qualified.

Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on merit basis.
How to apply: Candidates have to apply in a prescribed format as shown in the website Fill it with necessary information, affix self attested photograph, enclose Gazette attested necessary documentary proofs, attach 2 self addressed envelope with Rs.5/- stamped and super scribe the cover by the name of the post, send it to the address to Chief Executive Officer, District Panchayat, Dantewada, Chhattisgarh on or before  10-01-2013 by registered post/speed post.

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