Monday, 21 January 2013

Assam Agricultural University -Various Positions 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

 Assam Agricultural University- Various Positions 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 
1. Director of Students Welfare, AAU, Jorhat
2. Chief Librarian Rev. B.M. Pugh Library, AAU, Jorhat
3. Dean, College of Fisheries Science, AAU, Roha

Edu Qualifi: Candidates should possess at least Bachelors degree followed by Master’s degree and Doctorate degree in any field of the concerned discipline for Director of student Welfare position, Bachelors degree in any field of study followed by Masters degree in Library Science from recognized university for Chief Librarian post, passed Bachelor’s degree in relevant subject and Ph.D degree in the rank of professor and equivalent holding basic degree for Dean position.
Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected based on the performance in interview.
How to apply: Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format download from the AAU website or obtained from the office of the undersigned on payment of Rs. 10/- (Rupees ten only) in the form of IPO in favour of Registrar, AAU, Jorhat, fill application form and send it along with all other supporting documents, self-addressed stamped envelope by post to the office of registrar, Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat-785013 on or before 07-02-2013.

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