Wednesday, 22 May 2013

OPSC Vacancy Details

OPSC Vacancy Details:
Total No. of Posts: 03
Name of the Post: Mining Officers
1. Unreserved: 05 Posts
2. Scheduled Caste: 02 Posts
3. Scheduled Tribe: 02 Posts
4. S.E.B.C: 03 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age limit should be between 21-32 years as on the 01-08-2012. Age relaxation will be applicable as per the rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess at least 2nd Class Degree in Mining Engineering from any recognized University in India or Diploma in Mining or Applied Geology from Indian Schools of Mines and Applied Geology, Dhanbad or any other institution where such Diploma or Certificate is considered equivalent to the Degree of Mining Engineering.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on the performance in preliminary examination and interview.
Application Fee: Candidates has to pay the non refundable and non adjustable examination fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees Three Hundred) at any branch of State Bank of India (SBI). Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe of Odisha and Physically Handicapped are exempted from payment of this fee.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates can apply online through the website of OPSC http://opsconline, from 03-05-2013 to 03-06-2013 by 11:59 P M. After filling application form candidates should send the hard copy of system generated application form along with attested copies of certificates of HSC or equivalent certificates,intermediate/+2 examination certificate, Degree/ Diploma, mark sheets, caste certificate etc and attach two recent pass port size photographs, by super scribing the top of the envelope as “Application for the post of Mining Officer”,  by Registered Post/ Speed Post/ Courier Service to the Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission, 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack-753001 on or before 17-06-2013 by 05:00 P M.
Instructions to Apply Online:
1. Log on to http://opsconline,gov.
2. Click on the appropriate link to apply online.
3. Before filling the application form scan the photograph and signature and left thumb impression of the candidate.
4. Before filling the application form read the instructions carefully.
5. Fill the online application form with details an upload the scanned photograph and signature and left thumb impression
6. After filling all the details submit the online application form, a unique registration ID will generate on the top of the application form.
7. After submission take the print out of the application form and put the signature and send to OPSC along with copies of requisite certificates and documents.
8. After submission of application form, take the printout of Online Challan (Pay-in-Slip) for payment of requisite fee of Rs. 200/- (Three hundred only) at any branch of State Bank of India (SBI).

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