Friday, 28 December 2012

PDFSR Modipuram - Walk in for Various Vacancies 2013 | Various Vacancies Details

PDFSR Modipuram - Walk in for Various Vacancies 2013 | has asking applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 
I. NICRA Project:
1. Research Associate: 01 post
2. Senior Research Fellow: 01 post
3. Project Worker: 04 posts
II. Ag. MIP Project:
1. Research Associate: 01 post
2. Senior Research Fellow: 01 post
3. Office (Computer) Assistant: 01 post
4. Office Assistant: 01 post
III. THDC Project:
1. Senior Research Fellow: 01 post
No of vacancies: 11

Age Relaxation:- Candidates who are applying for Research Fellow posts must be 40 years for Male Candidates and 45 years for Female Candidates, For Senior Research Fellow age must be 35 years for Male Candidates & 40 years for Female Candidates. No specific age limit for Office Assistant and Field Worker posts. Relaxations will be as per the rules.
Edu Qualifi: Candidates must possess Master's Degree in subject of Agronomy or Soil Science or Agricultural Chemistry/ Physics or Micro Biology and Life Sciences or equivalent OGPA for Research Associate, M.Sc (Ag.) in Agronomy or Soil Science or Agricultural Chemistry/ Physics for Senior Research Fellow posts, Graduate in B.Sc Agriculture /Computer Science for Project Worker posts, Graduate in B.Sc (Computer Science)/BCA for Office (Computer) Assistant post and Graduation from any recognized university for Office Assistant post.

Selection Mode: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Interview.
How to apply: Candidates have to attend for interview along with the Bio-Data, original certificates, experience certificates with a set of photocopies and attend for interview at PDFSR Modipuram Meerut on 27-12-2012 by 10.00 A.M.

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